To dioxin:’no passaran’

45 tons of milk production, imported from Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany , were picked out from producers and sellers of the capital of Chine on Sunday by officials from Department of Provision Hygiene. Correspondent of ‘PRAVDA’- INTERNET’ for Peking , Andrew Krushinskiy tells:

‘The national campaign has been opened in Chine which aim is not to allow the meat, chicken and milk production, that had been imported since January, 15, to appear on the table of the Chinese’ - they said in Ministry of Public Health of CNR. Several central staffs are joined in this campaign, as Foreign Trade , Customs and others. According to known information of the ‘PRAVDA’- INTERNET’, the imported production is suspected in poison chemical presence, named ‘dioxin’. Such element stimulates cancer illnesses.

All milk production, meat, biscuits, chicken, imported from these four countries will be to examine carefully.

Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *