Mass withdrawal of Serbs out of Kosovo and Metokhiya has started.The left ones are killed.

NATO insists on the pulling Serbs out of Kosovo and Metokhiya. 30 thousands of residents have left their houses for the first days of NATO and The Front of Liberation of Kosovo troops coming into Kosovo and Metokhiya. The militaries of NATO dominate under the soldiers of The Front , which give ultimatums to the Serbs. Sally Mustafa, called ‘Chief of division of The FLK in Prieshtin, declared shooting to the Serbs, left in the region. He meant the militaries only in his interview for the ‘Daily Telegraph’, but the last events show all these threats are true for all Serbs, in fact…

Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *