NATO has used The resolution of The un security concil ‘by its meaning’

Albanian separatists’ official for London declared that ‘Army of Liberation of Kosovo’ will be armed until then Russian contingent are led by NATO’s command. The fighters’ envoy called two marked statements, which are in opposite to the UN resolution. The first one was about NATO’s troops settlement in the region to help Kosovo and Metokhiya separation from Yugoslavia. The second is more cynical. Plerat Sezhdiu said that the Albanians can’t live with Serbs on the similar territory any more, and the last shouldn’t hope to come back to their homes.

Curiously, all these statements are done in the capital of one NATO’s country.

It’s interesting, the fighters’ envoy is accredited as official to London. It means Great Britain and other countries- members of NATO admit that this terrific organization is legal and coordinate with it.

So, NATO does all its best for kicking the ground under UN’s feet, saying opposite statements before. But what about the resolution? It seems NATO has used it as any other paper ‘by its meaning’. NATO had got its troops were put in the region and it was the main task, indeed…

Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *