Viktor Ilukhin : Russia must re-examine it’S international agreements

Being face to expansion of NATO Russia must declare about possible Russia leaving the treatment about non-dissemination of nuclear weapons was the main question in the speech of the Chief of the Duma’s Committee of the Security Council ,Viktor Ilukhin. According to his words Russia also must re-examine other international agreements as stopping it’s sanctions against Iraq, take any limits on treed with Iraq away .Ilukhin offers to make the new state Russia and Belorussia with one system anti-missile defense. In future Yugoslavia must be in too.Viktor Ilukhin supposes that Russia should talk to Chine ,India and Arabic states about making military alliances and establishment of military bases on their territory .By these steps only Russia will be to have protection of it’s independence and sovereignty.

Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *