The Duma will be insist on making the resolution of OUN more detail. The lower house is planning to discuss the question about events in Yugoslavia and about tomorrow.It’s interesting that there the reason for it is the action of

The Duma will be insist on making the resolution of OUN more detail.

The lower house is planning to discuss the question about events in Yugoslavia and about tomorrow.It’s interesting that there the reason for it is the action of Russia’s envoy for Kosovo,Chernomirdin.The deputies are going to ask for his regisnation.

But now some points of the bill that will be discussed in the Duma tomorrow have been known.There are offers to the President to have strong position in forming the new resolution of the Security Council of OUN ,that would include peaceful forces coming in by the OUN decitions.There must be such points as amount and nationalities of them,direct duties.’

In this case the Duma corrects the activities of Igor Ivanov as minister.Will these words be taken by Bonn?

Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *