Misty future of Russia- Belarus union

The authorities of Russia continue to drag out implementation of a merger between the two neighbors.- it’s the general idea of the declaration that Alexander Lukashenko announced last week. Really, they planned to sign a project of agreement a month ago, for sake of what, actually, the presidents met in Moscow. However, then the main question was structure of management: Minsk stood up for the uniform center, and Moscow insisted on misty transitive model.

Eventually, the Belorussian president declared that he planned to improve his nation’s frosty relations with the West if Moscow continues to be silent. Probably, this declaration has forced the Kremlin to work. Today after the meeting with the President of Russia, Sergey Stepashin sounded that within one month the situation should be determined finally. It means that Alexander Lukashenko will get a project of the agreement which he has already refused before: in conversation with journalists the Russian premier said it first would be an economical union and its structure management and tasks hadn’t negotiated there.

Куратор Любовь Степушова
Любовь Александровна Степушова — обозреватель Правды.Ру *